5 Pursuit
Aliso Viejo, California 92656

MOPS knows you are experiencing a challenging phase of life when doubt, fear, frustration, and exhaustion collide with love, joy, hope, and elation. This can be a turbulent time for both you and your child. So while you are pouring yourself into the development of your child, let us come along side you to give you the support and resources you need to be a great mom.
Our Coast Hills MOPS groups are a special place where you come and meet other mothers also passing through this unique stage of life. You’ll have a chance not only to make new friends, but discover a wealth of helpful hints and strategies to deal with the challenges of motherhood.
We offer Traditional MOPS on Thursday, and Friday MOPS2Mom which offers everything you love about traditional MOPS plus some Bible study basics.

Thursday MOPS runs weekly from Sept. 17- December 10
Friday MOPS runs weekly from Sept. 18 - December 11

Registration Fees
Mom only - $120
Mom w/one child attending - $150
Mom w/2 or more attending - $180

Coast Hills Community Church
5 Pursuit
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
PH. (949) 362-0079
ext.375 Friday MOPS 2 Mom
ext. 374 Thursday MOPS

Official Website: http://www.coasthillschurch.org/MOPS

Added by mjklenske on July 22, 2009