460 Brogdon Rd
Buford, Georgia 30518

Atlanta - Outdoor Club South

This is our regular first Wednesday of the month climb at Adrenaline Climbing and you're all invited! This event is open to all climbing levels. If you're new to climbing Adrenaline will get you started quickly. Your day fee of $14 includes gear rental (harness, shoes, belay device) and an introductory belay lesson if you need it. Be sure to wear loose clothing. Bring sports drink and bars to keep you going.

Suwanee, GA 30024 - USA

Wednesday, December 1 at 7:00 PM

Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/a/2/9/f/event_9581631.jpeg

Attending: 2

Details: http://www.oacs-atlanta.com/calendar/14581951/

Added by Outdoor Club South on November 11, 2010

Interested 1