There's a lot going on with regards to Art Gallery openings this month.
In line with that is the fantastic "Artists for Jane" event this upcoming Saturday.
Artists for Jane!
7 pm Doors Open and Silent Auction
8-10pm Show and Live Auction
Punch Gallery at 155 10th Street (cross street: Howard Street). $10
Renowned slam artists Bao Phi, Shailja Patel, Jason Mateo, James Kass, Adriel Luis, and Aimee Suzara raise their voices in support of Jane Kim for School Board in this combination performance and art auction. There artists are National Poetry Slam and Def Poetry Jam artists. Works from local Bay Area photographers, graphic artists, painters as well as from Matt Gonzalez's personal art collection will be on silent and live auction. More info on artists to come!
Special discount for youth and student volunteers. Email Students 4 Jane at: [email protected] to sign up!
Added by minjungkim on September 29, 2004