819 Ryder Drive
Longview, Texas 75633

"Becoming the Most Talked About Rock Band In Texas!"
Experience the number one arena/rock band! You and
your crew will have a great time jamming out to the band
with the greatest Texas Twin Rock Guitar Sound.
Extreme tone, with a world class rhythm section,
is what the Alan Fox Band is all about.

Taking you back to your "Rock Roots" with songs
from bands such as "Thin Lizzy", "Allman Brothers",
and "Ted Nugent". The Alan Fox Band brings
you great twin lead guitars, and outstanding vocals!
As heard on their "JuJu Ear Rub" CD released in 2008.
Alan Fox, and Donnie Pendleton, use matching guitars
and amplifiers, together making a sound that is
unique and outstanding for their original blues/rock.


for info. on booking the AlanFoxBand
please call:
Tina Lynn / Lynn Entertainment 903.754.3075

Official Website: http://www.AlanFoxBand.com

Added by alanfoxband on February 16, 2010

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