819 Ryder Drive
Longview, Texas 75633

Moms Biker Bar
819 Ryder Drive, Longview, TX
The Oldest Continually Open Biker Bar in Texas!
October 2nd 3rd and 4th are the dates set for the
Annual Hog Roast. Bigger Better, but with the same
heritage and tradition of the past. Great food, live
music, plenty of vendors, cold drinks, hot babes, and
of course Cool Bikes!

October 2nd
Friday Night Band 9pm -- Sweet Pain

October 3rd
Saturday All Day Bands
12noon -- A Dazed Decision
3pm -- Out on Bail
6pm -- Double Eleven
9pm -- Alan Fox Band

October 4th
Sunday Jam Night
Hosted by the Alan Fox Band

Throughout the years of Mom’s, the outside walls have
accumulated many signatures, art work, and just plan
memories that have been placed on the outside. Sadly
to say the building is in need a new paint job.
Pictures have been taken and steps are been done to
make a photo to be hung inside of Mom’s to keep the
years of heritage alive. We are inviting all who
wants, to come between now and the Hog Roast and take
your own pictures to keep before the new paint goes
on the walls. So we are going to hold off with the
new paint until everyone has a chance to take
pictures of their special memories until after the
Hog Roast of 2009. Thanks to everyone for the memories!
Vendors are Welcome. Call 903.236.9132

Mom’s Biker Bar
819 Ryder Drive
Longview, TX 75633

Official Website: http://www.momsbikerbar.com

Added by alanfoxband on September 28, 2009

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