618 W 6th St
Austin, Texas 78701

Momo's Club, downtown Austin's landmark live music venue, will be kicking off their 11-year anniversary celebration this Friday, August 26 and Saturday, August 27. Musicians performing include Suzanna Choffel, Dan Dyer Band, Drew Smith's Lonely Choir, The Coveters, Afrofreque, David Garza and more.

From Americana to Soul/R&B, Bluegrass and World Music, Momo’s has welcomed a multitude of genres within the venue and has served as a staple to numerous musicians and music lovers alike to become one of Austin’s most respected and beloved musical landmarks.

Cover charge is $10, all ages welcome. For more information on Momo’s and the lineup, please visit www.momosclub.com.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=223110821073381

Added by Natalia P on August 24, 2011

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