107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,
Portland, Oregon 97214

Best practices for the desktop web simply do not apply to mobile web
development. Mobile is a totally new medium. A standards-based approach to mobile web development produces a usable, adaptive and discoverable mobile web experience for featurephones and smartphones.

Gail will lead a discussion about the importance of standards-based mobile web development a this month's Mobile Portland. She will cover markup fundamentals, design principles, content adaptation, usability and interoperability. We will explore and critique mobile standards and best practices authored by the W3C, dotMobi and similar organizations.

About Gail

Gail Rahn Frederick is a mobile software architect at Medio Systems in Seattle. She leads a software team that delivers mobile search and
discovery products to operators and publishers. Her work spans mobile web sites and native applications on most mobile platforms. Her products target 500+ device models and have been deployed to 10+ mobile operators in 6+ countries in North America and Europe.

Gail is a mobile web enthusiast who teaches standards-based mobile web development at Portland Community College. Her classes teach mobile markup languages, mobile design and usability, content adaptation, best practices and defensive programming for the mobile ecosystem. Students build content-adapted mobile web sites as the class project.

Course information is available at http://learnthemobileweb.com.

Official Website: http://mobileportland.com

Added by grigs on March 16, 2009



hey what up whats going on