The next Mobile Monday Silicon Valley event on January 11 will feature a panel discussion on the booming, $1 billion market for virtual goods. Our panelists, including executives from mobile payment platforms, game publishers and application developers, will discuss how they have successfully generated revenue with virtual goods, challenges presented by this new model for monetization, and their views on how the market will evolve in 2010.
This event is possible thanks to generous sponsorship from Hi-media USA.
Justin Smith - Founder, Inside Network (moderator)
Steven Lurie - General Manager, Mobile, Zynga
Pooj Preena - CEO, Hi-Media Co.
Doug Bewsher - CMO, Mig33
Lex Bayer - General Manager Payments Business, Playspan
Location: W Hotel San Francisco (because it's kind of awesome.)
Date: January 11th at 7 pm, doors open at 6:30 pm
Cost: Free - but registration is required to attend. (costs you nothing!)
Cocktails: provided (and you get free drinks!)
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
About Hi-media USA
Hi-media is an on-line media group, content publisher and provider of services designed to grow, retain and monetize Internet audiences. Our unique business model covers the entire media value chain and generates two revenue streams: sales of Internet advertising via our internal and external network, revenues from providing micropayment solutions to on-line publishers. Now, with an enhanced range of mobile services, Hi-media is pursuing its strategy of becoming a major player in all digital media and services.
Due to the overwhelming growth of virtual goods and the increasing need for online monetization, Hi-media is extending its business to the United States where it has set up operations for Hi-media USA in San Francisco, led by tech industry veteran Pooj Preena.
The group which operates in 9 European countries, USA and Brazil employs more than 500 people and posted in 2008 135 million euros in sales (excluding AdLink). Independent since its creation in 1996, the company is listed since 2000 on the Euronext Eurolist Paris (Eurolist C) and is included in the SBF 250, CAC IT and CAC Small 90. ISIN code: FR0000075988. Hi-media qualifies for FCPI as it received the OSEO label of “innovating company.”
Official Website:
Added by elsachang on January 4, 2010