1340 West Warm Springs Road
Henderson, Nevada 89014

More and more companies are going mobile - are you meeting your customers' expectations?

Join your marketing peers for an information-packed seminar on the latest that mobile technology has to offer you and your customers. Attend this seminar to learn how to create brand loyalty and become a relevant part of your customer's mobile experience. Discover opportunities in mobile marketing while learning how to harness the power of engagement.

ASM has assembled 5 local industry leaders for one event to discuss how mobile technology is changing the industry, and examine mobile's role in the marketing mix. They will share with you practical marketing approaches that will increase your success and strategies that drive value. Register today to reserve your seat at this must-attend seminar!

Benefits for You

Leave with guidelines for incorporating mobile into your marketing mix
Discover how mobile is driving engagement, loyalty and transactions
Realize the relationship between mobile, social, and your reputation
Manage the opportunities and pitfalls that surround mobile website management

Added by Ben Halverson on March 14, 2013

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