300 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

MN.swf and Flashbelt invite you back for the third annual MN.swf Camp, a one-day event focused on connecting the local developer community and providing education on Flash Platform technologies. We're bringing in the best local speakers to inspire and educate on topics like Flex 3, Flash, AIR and ActionScript 3. This is a great opportunity to learn about these great technologies and connect with other members of the community.
What to expect at MN.swf Camp?

We know you're busy, so all the sessions at MN.swf Camp are packed into one day. In this short time frame we intend to educate and inspire you while providing opportunity for you to network and connect with other members of the local development community.
Who should attend MN.swf Camp?

Anyone with interest in the Flash Platform would benefit from the conference. The sessions will be targeting developers and programmers that work in ActionScript, Flex, Flash and/or AIR. There will be sessions for the beginner, intermediate and advanced programmer.

Official Website: http://www.mnswf.com/camp10/index.cfm

Added by flashbelt on March 1, 2010

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