120 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts

Brave New Web: Connect. Contribute. Collaborate.
Presented by the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge, Inc.

Technology is transformative. The power of the Web has allowed us to reach far beyond our traditional scope to wider networks and narrower audiences. Technology allows us to replace traditional channels with new tools to communicate, contribute and collaborate. Technology is giving voice to individuals and shape to communities where none existed.

The latest Web tools and developments have been driving new communities, new media and new business. The buzz has begun, but the transformative nature of these technologies has barely been tapped. Explore the opportunities for implementing them to revolutionize business models, to discover virtual worlds, and to energize human interaction.

Join us in the discussion.

Registration is now open.

Agenda and speakers TBA

Added by Hybernaut on November 30, 2006



Info now updated at

Keynote Speakers to date:
Jeremy Allaire, CEO of Brightcove, and John Furrier, CEO of PodTech

Other notable speakers to date:
Adam Bain - executive vice president, Technology & Production, Fox Interactive Media
Laurie Baird - director of technology partnerships, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Jose Castillo - president of thinkjose.com
Steve Garfield - blogger, videoblogger and Boston correspondent, Rocketboom.com
Tom Gerace - founder and CEO, gather.com
Nick Gogerty - founder and CEO, InClue
Phil Hollows - founder and CEO, FeedBlitz
Henry Jenkins - co-director, Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT
Joseph B. Lassiter III - professor of Management Practice, Harvard Business School
Amber MacArthur - new media reporter/host, CityTV
Andy Plessel - founder and CEO, Beet TV
Juliette Powell - CEO and executive producer, Inspiration Festival
Scott Smigler - founder and president, Exclusive Concepts
Jeff Taylor - CEO, Eons
Jon Udell - evangelist, Microsoft


Anyone interested in a post event Geek Dinner feel free to contact me - there are few folks pulling together an informal beverage-food-tech meetup the evening of Feb 7th. Send me an email if you would like to join us - jose+at+thinkjose.com


I am really intersted in this but being UK based cannot attend. Will any of the content be available online afterwards?