10601 S. De Anza Blvd
Cupertino, California 95014

Join UCLA behavoral research scientist Dara Ghahremani & National Director of the Art of Meditation Rajshree Patel as they explore how we can tune back into ourselves despite daily demands in a stressful environment.

Rajshree Patel known for her intellect, humor and dynamism will make you laugh, while motivating you. As a former Los Angeles district attorney she walked, literally, into the wrong room only to find herself in a meditation workshop. She found that the mental clarity from meditation helped her as a DA to handle twice the number of cases. Dara Ghahremani with his crispness and intelligence is sure to feed your intellectual curiosity about the mechanics of the brain and meditation. As a leading researcher at theUCLA Center for Addictive Behavior his tidbits about research on meditation tools is sure to coax anyone to explore the depth of ones own mind.

Take a step towards taking charge of your own wellness, on World health day 2012, with an guided meditation to be led by Rajshree Patel.

To register: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=102571

Official Website: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=102571

Added by saol on March 23, 2012

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