2368 Walsh Avenue
Santa Clara, California 95051

Are you aware that there is a great secret hidden in our breath?
We can eliminate more than 70% of toxins in our body just through breath.

You are invited to experience the simple, yet powerful breathing techniques taught in this session.

Please note this session is open for people with any or no experience of yoga or breathing exercises.

What will I learn?
1. Simple, light body stretches.
2. Relaxing breathing techniques.
3. Guided Meditation.
4. Take Home practices.

How will it help me?
1. Reduced Stress & Increased Productivity.
2. Increased Joy & Happiness.
3. Enhanced Focus & Concentration
4. Improved Relationships

Introductory Video about the Course

Official Website: http://secure.artofliving.org/events.aspx?state=CA&city=SANTA%20CLARA&type=1

Added by aoloutreach2370 on April 19, 2013

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