300 Parkside Ave
Buffalo, New York 14214

Buffalo Zoo visitors will have a chance to commit to leading a healthier lifestyle as the 'National "got milk?" Milk Mustache Mobile Drink Well. Live well. Tour' makes a special appearance. Buffalo Zoo visitors can explore stations set up on the Gazebo Lawn to experience interactive activities including: Health assessments from a registered dietitian, ice-cold milk from local dairies Meadow Brook Dairy, Upstate Farms Cooperative, Inc. and Nestle, Homemade smoothie samples, five-minute chair massages and souvenir Milk Mustache photos. Visitors can also enter the 'Healthy Meals Made Simple Sweepstakes' for a chance to win a prize from Real Simple(R) Magazine, including a healthy meal from a personal chef and a year's supply of milk.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 8, 2009