3136 Routh St.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Saturday Night May 9th
Ok moms (and future mom's), this is YOUR night, so enjoy it to the fullest.You've earned it! Pamper yourself and cum out ready to party and wear your naughtiest mama~mia outfit! MILF night at the Jet Set.
You know we like it like that.
Guys bring her out and have fun at The Jet Set .
We want to give you a break on the Door fee so all you sexy and loyal members can visit the club more often.

Show up before 9:00 PM on Saturday and the Door Cover Charge is only $10 per couple.

Remember this is a kiss & tell party, so if you had a good time call or e-mail all your friends to come to the club next Friday's to come. Listen and dance to the DJ's music and enjoy the sexy members that this lifestyle has to offer. Have a Cocktail or two enjoy the top shelf drink at the bar but drink responsibly.
Checkout the Jet Set club web page for more information on other events by clicking here
If sexy offends you stay home.
Try the
"The Ultimate Sex Shot"
buy them at the door on the way in.

Added by Jet Set on May 7, 2009

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