18348 Bagley Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44130

What: Microsoft’s Next Generation of Unified Communications is coming to Cleveland on December 13. Learn how Microsoft Unified Communications offers streamlined communications, built-in protection, operational efficiency and software-powered VOIP foundations. Attendees will see how communication scenarios such as unified messaging, audio/video/web conferencing, remote access, and mobility for various devices can be easily enabled and rolled out to end users. Also, learn why and how these technologies secure each communication channel to ensure enterprise-level compliance.

Finally, attendees will see a first look at how software-powered VOIP foundations integrate with existing telephone infrastructure, adding VOIP functionality into your business applications.

Who: Local Business Owners and IT Professionals

Where: Theater - Regal Middleburg Town Square Stadium 16
18348 Bagley Road
Cleveland, OH 44130

When: Thursday, December 13
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

How: This seminar is offered at no charge but seating is limited. Attendees are encouraged to register for this TechNet event by entering registration code 1032349660 at http://www.technetevents.com/upcoming

Attendees may also register via telephone by calling 1-877-673-8368.

Official Website: http://www.technetevents.com/upcoming

Added by nforest115 on November 29, 2007

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