34 W 22nd St
New York, New York 10010

Open to solo singers and vocal duos of all ages and backgrounds who have not played a major engagement at The Metropolitan Room, 'MetroStar' offers a career-boosting package of prizes and professional encouragements worth over $15,000. The grand prize-winner (named the night of the contest's finale on August 30) will win a fully produced, prime-time booking at the Metropolitan Room, and a professionally produced live recording of this upcoming show. (The club invites several prominent professionals and artists to collaborate with the winner.) The two runners-up will open for the winner and receive demo recordings of their appearances. With a jury consisting of two permanent members and a rotating roster of celebrity judges, 'MetroStar' encourages singers to present well-rounded stage performances in which creativity, innovation and authenticity are prized over vocal fireworks. To apply, performers must submit an application accompanied with a CD or recording (either by mail or via e-mail).

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 9, 2010