4383 Tennyson St
Denver, Colorado 80212

"MESSAGES FROM THE OTHER SIDE" Presented by Randy Birke - He's Back! Platform medium Randy Birke delivers "Messages from the other side" from people who have passed over. "My foremost gift is mediumship. I see and hear spirits as well as people's diseased relatives and friends who want to communicate. I talk to these spirits mentally and see their faces. They give me extremely specific facts, details, identifying traits and situations which the client confirms. I am closely connected to angelic forces, feel their presence, and receive insights from them to share with the clients. As a clairvoyant, I see the past, present and future. I see things in my mind's eye like snapshots or photographs, usually very detailed."

The cost per person is $15. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required.

Official Website: http://www.forheavensake.com

Added by akingsley on June 7, 2007

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