South End of Campus - Adams Street & Stadium Drive
Macon, Georgia 31207

This Friday, the volleyball team is hosting its annual DIG FOR A CURE event against Jacksonville. This event helps to raise awareness for breast cancer and celebrate survivors in the Middle Georgia area. It is FREE admission for everyone, and we’ll be taking donations for the “Bunko for Breast Cancer” organization.

The women’s basketball team will be throwing a tailgate party prior to the game, starting at 615 PM. There will be free hot dogs, drinks, games and face painting! The game starts at 7 against conference foe Jacksonville, where fans will have a chance to enter a raffle for signed merchandise. Come support the team and this great cause!

Contact Meredith Noonan at 478-301-2059 or at [email protected] with any questions!

Official Website:

Added by meredith.noonan on September 30, 2009

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