Bangalore, Karnataka

Facing a challenge in your startup?
Why don’t you talk to an expert about it? NEN Mentoring Sessions makes it easy for entrepreneurs to connect with experts from the industry and discuss any issues faced by their ventures. These experts are seasoned entrepreneurs, faculty mentors, angel investors or venture capitalists who have come onboard as NEN Mentors. The sessions also provide a great chance to meet and network with like-minded people from the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Request for a NEN Mentoring Session
Fill out the Mentor Request Form
and mention the issue you’d like to discuss with the mentor.
On receiving your mentoring request, we’ll match you to a mentor who has expertise in addressing challenges like yours. The session is a half-day event. During this time, you and your mentor discuss the issues one-on-one. If both are in agreement then you can carry on with the mentoring beyond the session.
Who should attend?
Entrepreneurs facing issues and looking for mentoring while:
• Trying to start a venture
• Attempting to land your first customer
• Starting to grow your company
Looking forward to see you there.

For more information, kindly mail at [email protected]

Added by National Entrepreneurship Networ on August 16, 2012