3535 North Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 60657

Attention: Nerds, Knowledge Junkies, and people who like to leave their house to drink and win stuff –The mental_floss TRIVIA SHOW is debuting in Chicago on Sunday November 21st!

For those of you unfamiliar with the (not yet) award winning mental_floss TRIVIA SHOW, it is part bar quiz, part game show, and a bunch of bad jokes thrown in for free. You'll be competing for both team and individual prizes. Fortunately for everyone, we love giveaways so (almost) no one leaves empty handed.

Online tickets for the event are just $10. We'll be donating all of the proceeds to two wonderful, local charities-- the Gads Hill Center's New Horizons mentoring program and a Better Tomorrow Education Fund. So, if you like think, drink, and give back to the community, mark November 21st on your calendars!

Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Show begins at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 online and $15 at the door.
Online tickets can be purchased here: http://www.mentalfloss.com/store/Ticket-for-mental_floss-Trivia-Show-Chicago

Official Website: http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/73274

Added by dcjus on November 10, 2010



I'm so sad that I can't attend, but will be sure to spread the word! You guys rock!

Interested 2