Taramati Baradari Auditorium, Gandipet Road, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad - 500001
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Dance performance by Dr. Alekhya Punjala & Victoria Hauke
An encounter of both contemporary European and traditional Indian dance. Magic words of our times: Globilisation, transnationality,intercultural communication. In “meeting with you and me”, the classical Indian choreograph/dancer Dr. Alekhya Punjana and the Contemporary Dance choreograph/dancer Victoria Hauke tackle these easily used terms and thereby experience the vast complexity of their true notions."Meeting you and me" is an encounter initiated by the Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad and the BKM Hamburg. At first it was fairly challenging for the two unacquainted choreographers. Within the four week long working period in Hyderabad, first attemps to get to know each other only occurred, as both highly respect the differences between one another and are willing to embrace a reciprocal exchange of knowledge. The performance-format that has emerged from this cooperation shows that the most important condition for such an encounter is a clear definition of one’s ‘own artistic self’ and an eagerness to know and appreciate the other. A dance piece originated, which humorously, sensually and subtly shows an interpretation of what intercultural communication might look like.

Concept, choreography, performance: Victoria Hauke and Dr. Alekhya Punjala

Music by Alekhya Punjala: Vinod Kumar, Chander Rao, Murali

Music for Victoria (electronic): Andreas Otto

Final dramaturgy: Claude Jansen

Language: Mainly English, German, Telugu

Length: approx. 75 minutes

Supported by: Behoerde fuer Medien und Kultur Hamburg (BMK) and Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad/India, Association for German Culture

Official Website: http://www.germany-and-india.com/en/event/259

Added by Germanyandindia Infiniteopportun on September 21, 2011