3131 Walnut St
Denver, Colorado 80205

Since this is Denver / Colorado meet up number one for Ableton the focus is on community. Who else is using, teaching, or looking to Ableton will be the theme. Both of our presenters, Mark Mosher and Chris Lawhead, are teachers and performers.

Mark Mosher of Modulate This! has 2 decades of experience in synthesis, programming, MIDI, and sampling. His site Modulate This! has been providing information and tutorials for over 4 years now and he is an excellent resource for Ableton and electronic music in general. You can check out some great Ableton instruction on his YouTube channel.

Chris Lawhead is a teacher and performer in the Denver Colorado area. Last summer he rebuilt his rig and went on tour across the country. This recent experience as a solo artist using Ableton is an important accomplishment of this skilled multi-instrumentalist, band leader, teacher, producer, and professional musician. For more information on Chris go to his site at http://lawheadmusic.com/

Official Website: http://abletondenver.com/meet-up-number-1-september-27-630pm/

Added by ableton-denver on September 26, 2009


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