4150 Stoneroot Dr.
Hilliard, Ohio 43026

As a Franklin County Commissioner, Mary Jo has led the way on issues that really matter to Ohio.

* Secured health insurance benefits for the family of County employees serving in Iraq and Afghanistan

* Balanced EVERY budget

* Put city buses on compressed natural gas, adding an ethanol pump to the county garage.

As a member of Congress, Mary Jo will fight for:

* Tax Policies that help – NOT hurt – organizations such as NIH and NSF

* A “Pay as you go” budget policy

* Raising the Minimum Wage to help lift Ohioans out of poverty

Suggested Contribution: $100 Minimum Contribution: $35
Please RSVP to Ray Coatoam at (614) 437-9793
Email [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.kilroyforcongress.com/index.htm

Added by OH-15 Mary Jo Kilroy on August 30, 2006


OH-15 Mary Jo Kilroy

There are currently 18 people confirmed to be attending this party.