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Arlington, Virginia 22213

Decorated DC police detective and author David Swinson comes to One More Page to discuss his newly released first novel, "A Detailed Man," -- which is already garnering praise for its fluid and sharp writing and authentic detailing.

Half of DC Police Detective Ezra Simeon’s face is immobilized from a persistent case of Bell’s Palsy. His half-frozen world begins to heat up when a friend from his Academy days drops dead of a heart attack and Sim inherits the high-profile case of a murdered escort he alone thinks may be the victim of a serial killer.

Swinson spent the early 1980s in Los Angeles as a punk-rock promoter, then went on to produce the cult classic film "Roadside Prophets," which the Washington Post called “a 90s version of Easy Rider.” Then in 1994, Swinson’s career took a hairpin turn when he decided to chuck it all up and return to his hometown of Washington, DC to enter the Police Academy. Swinson worked robbery, homicide and undercover narcotics details, becoming one of DC’s most decorated detectives in a career that spanned 16 years.

Added by One More Page Books on January 2, 2012