18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

Are you are one of those special people who are
committed, and heart centered and are ready to do
whatever it takes to build a business, have a successful career, and create an amazing life? Special Guest Speaker

"Jean Noel Bassior"

Jean-Noel Bassior is a journalist who specializes in celebrity interviews. Her work has appeared in many publications, She wrote about Linda Evans for Redbook, profiled Shirley MacLaine for AARP, and did an in-depth cover story on out-of-body explorer Robert Monroe for New Age Journal. She is the author of the new book, Space Patrol: Missions of Daring in the Name of Early Television, published by McFarland.

Each meeting we begin with a brainstorm of what you want to accomplish in 30 days. We then " Partner-Up" and share the " Why" of your target. We share it with the group, so if anyone can help you with your project, or has a resource it will be available to you.

At the conclusion of the meeting there
will be a fresh set of commitments
and targeted actions for achievement

At our next meeting we share the Successes we had during the month
and Challenges we need support with.

Each month we will discuss "Millionaire Principles" that supports our intention of growing our lives, careers and businesses into the Millions along with supporting one another.

This is not the " Usual " when it comes to Masterminding!
Our members are committed to your success and the group's success!

Material Fee is $10.00 which includes Hand-outs, Free e-book

Coffee, Tea, and Light Snacks.

Added by Drjanet Woods on April 4, 2012

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