511 E. South Boulder Road
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Disruptive Technologies Pushing the Envelope of Preventative Care

Research last year by Bionsen, found that the average woman’s daily grooming and make-up routine means she comes in contact with a staggering 515 different chemicals every single day. Moisturizers alone can contain over 30 different chemicals, and perfume, up to 400.

Given the fact that we live in less than optimal environments, how do we achieve longevity and maintain optimal health in our stress filled, toxin ridden, fast paced society? And what kind of new technologies may exist to help us monitor the dangers and better screen for diseases?

For our next Night with a Futurist, we will be hosting three medical experts who will help us understand the true nature of the problems we're dealing with, as well as the breakthroughs that may help us lead healthier lives in the future.

Join us as Dr. Stephen Parcell, Dr. Kirsten West, and Dr. Bill Blanchett step us into medical megatrends and the future of medicine.

EVENT: Night with a Futurist
DATE: April 2, 2012 - Monday
TIME: 6:30pm-9:00pm
WEBSITE: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/594/night-with-a-futurist-monday-april--2-2012

LOCATION: DaVinci Institute, 511 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027

COST: $20, Members: Free, SuperMembers: Free

PHONE: 303-666-4133

TOPIC: Medical Megatrends and the Future of Medicine

Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/594/night-with-a-futurist-monday-april--2-2012

Added by DaVinci Institute Events on March 21, 2012