WHO: Anyone looking for a jumpstart to help achieve their fitness goals

WHAT: The Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine Institute will host a fitness boot camp to help individuals lose weight, improve their fitness levels, strengthen and tone muscles and increase cardiovascular endurance. Participants will also receive nutrition and food coaching to learn how to regulate protein, fat and carbohydrate intake to improve individual results.

One-on-one personal training can also be scheduled at a cost of $65 a session. Full-size lockers are available to rent as well for $30 a month, which includes access to showers and towels.

Price: $185.

WHEN: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Time: 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.

Session 1: May 1st to May 27th
Session 2: June 5th to July 1st
Session 3: July 10th to Aug 5th

For more information or to schedule an appointment,
call 713-222-CARE

WHERE: Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine Institute
Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza
6411 Fannin, Suite 1620
Houston, Texas 77030

WHY: At the Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine Institute, highly trained physicians and staff are here to push every level of athlete – recreational, competitive or professional athletes – to a higher level of performance.
As all athletes know, there is always a way to get better. Whether it’s getting better after an injury, getting better at your game, or trying to promote a healthy, active lifestyle, we’re here to help.

Added by MemorialHermann on April 10, 2009