Hamburg, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Datum: 08.09.2007.
Ort: Hamburg.
Kostenbeitrag: Ja, max. 30 EUR/Teilnehmer (noch nicht ganz klar/in erster Linie für Essen, das vom Ortscaterer abgenommen werden muss).

Ein Barcamp rund um die Zukunft der alten und neuen Medien.

Official Website: http://mediacamp.pbwiki.com/

Added by upim on July 11, 2007



The organisers may wish to consider differentiating this event from MediaCamp Bucks 07 (http://achubbucks.pbwiki.com/) (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/190813)

- Neil.


Let's see - one is happening in the UK and the second on in Hamburg. Yeah right, really a lot of diffusion. ;))


I just thought I'd mention it, especially as people do have a tendency to travel to these events.

Thinking that officially calling it MediaCamp Hamburg does have a nice ring to it.

But as I'm neither German or likely to attend, it's all rather moot. :)

- Neil.