3801 W. Temple Ave, CTTi (Bldg 220B), Rm 132-1
Pomona, California 91768

California Building Standard Commission requires all building construction project and building design to at least meet its minimum building code requirements. This course will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing building codes within the scheme of California regulation, the law, and when and where the code applies in the construction and design process of buildings.

The course will prepare participants in the interpretation and application of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing building codes. The language and specific terms used throughout the Codes will be explained. Participants will learn industry best practices and examine what happens when mechanical, electrical and plumbing building codes are violated in commercial and residential building construction projects.

Official Website: http://www.ceu.csupomona.edu/home/index3.aspx

Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on September 19, 2012