Bandung, West Java


Membahas metodologi merancang produk baru dan produk inovatif dengan pendekatan sistematik. Kegiatan merancang produk dimulai dari ditemukannya kebutuhan akan produk, dilanjutkan fungsi yang harus dipenuhi oleh produk, bagaimana fungsi-fungsi tersebut dapat dipenuhi, konsep produk dan beberapa alternatifnya, pemilihan alternatif dan optimasi, perancangan detail, perhitungan kekuatan, sampai akhirnya pembuatan prototype.

Memberikan pengertian dan pemahaman tentang aspek optimasi dalam proses perancangan dan mampu menerapkannya dalam melakukan perancangan suatu produk.

A. Introduction to Design

* Design and Design Process
* Problem Formulation and Calculation
o Definition Stage
o Preliminary Design Stage
o Detailed Design Stage
o Documentation Stage
* Engineering Model Computer-Aided Design and Engineering
* Engineering Report
* Factor of Safety and Design Codes

B. Material and Process

* Material Property Definition
o Tensile Test
o Ductility and Brittleness
o Compression Test
o Bending Test
o Torsion Test
o Fatigue Strength and Endurance Limit
o Impact Resistance
o Fracture Toughness
o Creep and Temperature Effects
* Homogeneity and Isotropy
* Hardness
* Coating and Surface Treatment
* General Properties of Metals
* General Properties of Non-metals

C. Load Determination

* Loading Classes
* Free Body Diagram
* Load Analysis
o 3-Dimensional Analysis
o 2-Dimensional Analysis
o Static Load Analysis
* Case Studies of Static Load Analysis
* Case Studies of Dynamic Analysis
* Vibration Load
* Impact Load

D. Stress, Strain, and Deflection

* Stress
* Strain
* Principal Stresses
* Plane Stress and Plane Strain
* Mohr’s Circle
* Applied vs Principal Stresses
* Direct Shear Stress, Bearing Stress and Tearout
* Beams and Bending Stresses
* Deflection in Beams
* Castigliano’s Method
* Torsion
* Combined Stresses
* Case Studies in Static Stress and Deflection Analysis

E. Static Failure Theories

* Failure of Ductile Material under Static Loading
* Failure of Brittle Material under Static Loading
* Fracture Mechanics
* Case Studies

F. Fatigue Failure Theories

* Mechanism of Fatigue Failure
* Fatigue-Failure Models
* Machine Design Considerations
* Fatigue Load
* Measuring and Estimating Fatigue-Failure Criteria
* Notches and Stress Consideration
* Residual Stress
* A General Approach to High-Cycle Fatigue Design
* Case Studies

G. Surface Failure

* Surface Geometry
* Friction
* Adhesive Wear
* Abrasive Wear
* Corrosion Wear
* Surface Fatigue
* Dynamic Contact Stress

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Added by training.focus on March 15, 2009

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