375 11th Street
San Francisco, California 94103


industrial. ebm.
9:30pm - 3am.

VIP service (VIP info)

Meat's Seven Year Anniversary!

Main Room:
BaconMonkey (Meat)
Intoner (Death Guild)
Netik (Meat)
Mario Muse (Super Ego)

Miz Margo
Mz Samantha

For seven years, Meat has been serving up hearty doses of heavy Industrial beats and BBQ treats. Created to be more than just another dance club, Meat aims to constantly raise the bar for creative nightlife experiences. Meat has extensive abattoir-themed decor, highly skilled DJs, costumed blood-splattered go-go dancers, video, and free fresh BBQ meat. Satisfy your primal hunger.

Added by DNA Lounge on January 23, 2009

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