MARIETTA, Ohio 45750

The Steve Hussey Band was brought together through divine intervention in January of 2003. All 4 originial bandmembers showed up at the same open mic night, jammed, and the rest is history (except for the part where we fired the first lead guitar player for flaking on a new year's eve gig)(and the other part where the band almost broke up because of a big fat miscommunication-- but it's all good now!) We bring a breath of fresh air to the music scene because the only thing we give a damn about are good songs. Because a good song never goes out of style. We are currently in the studio to record the follow up to our thousands-selling debut "Unspoken" (2004). The yet untitled album will be released in September 2007. Have Fun. Play Music. Have Fun Playing Music. Help Others Have Fun While Playing Music. Deal With All Else As it Comes.

Official Website: http://www.stevehusseyband.com

Added by Chris Fennell on January 20, 2009

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