2424 Kalakaua Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii

Maui wedding photographer to offer free class in Waikiki on May 19

Maui photographer Mike Sidney is on a roll.

With 15 years of experience and over 1000 weddings, his photographic work is earning national respect. Sidney and his images were recently showcased in the February 2011 "Weddings" issue of Rangefinder magazine, the top industry publication for photo professionals.

Sidney will be bringing all that experience to the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa on Thursday, May 19, for a free digital photography class. The program is set for 7-9:00 p.m., and is open to the public.

"When I do my photography, I'm trying to give the clients a picture of how it seems from their perspective, like they are the stars of their own movie — larger than life," says Sidney.

"But no matter what," he adds, "I want to make sure that they are having fun, are comfortable and relaxed."

Sidney's presentation, "How to kick @ss in destination wedding photography," is a section taken from his full sunset wedding workshop series that is part of the third Maui Photo Festival & Workshops (MPF), set for August 24-28, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa.

Topics covered in the Oahu class include: Making the right first impression; working with wedding coordinators; balancing directed and photojournalistic coverage — when to do what; working with ever-changing light conditions; and creating confidence to kick @ss in destination wedding photography.

The Waikiki event is designed to present a "taste" of the full MPF experience, which offers classes and hands-on opportunities for novice photographers as well professionals and everything in between. Information about the August festival will be available as well as special discounts that can be applied to MPF registration fees.

For more information about the Oahu class, call 808-633-1339. To check out more of Sidney's incredible images go to mikesidney.com. Information and registration for MPF in August on Maui is found at www.mauiphotofestival.com. Special hotel rates at the Hyatt Regency Maui are also available.

The Maui Photo Festival and Workshops is sponsored in part by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, The County of Maui, and Hyatt Resorts.

Added by Maui Photo Festival on May 13, 2011