127 Park Street, NE
VIENNA, Virginia 22180

Presenter: Valli Swerdlow, President of VALLI Associates, Executive Leadership Development and Career Coach. Are you stuck in your career? Are you thinking about re-entering the workforce? Have you lost your job? Have you pushed back the date of your retirement due to the economic conditions? If you are between the ages of 45+ to 65 years old you may be part of the “Threshold Generation” ~ those who have to work into their 60’s and 70’s in order to keep up with inflation and prolong their retirement date. This course will show you why it is important to put the word “Passion” into your career or retirement plans. It will look at how to match your “head to your heart”. Explore the factors that will help you identify your strengths, consider your interests, choose an industry and position where you can put the word “passion” back into your career plans. To register go to www.thewomenscenter.org or call (703) 281-2657.

Official Website: http://www.thewomenscenter.org

Added by twcprograms on January 28, 2010

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