One Resort Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31421

Business and technology professionals are increasingly turning to an emerging information discipline called master data management (MDM) to improve the quality and consistency of the data driving their customer-facing and other mission-critical applications.

To meet this demand, TDWI and CrossTech Forums have teamed up to create an intimate environment for senior business and technology leaders to accelerate their knowledge about MDM and meet all the key players in the industry and high-profile event sponsors.

Every qualified business and IT decision maker will receive an all-expenses-paid participation package to attend.

Now in its second successful year, Master Data Management Insight is an exclusive summit for business and IT executives who are actively planning to implement MDM and related information technologies. Attendees will hear from early adopters with real-life stories to share, meet leading and emerging vendors, and gain know-how from industry thought leaders who can accurately assess the current and future directions of the market.

Official Website:

Added by wrsell on December 26, 2008

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