A networking event for people working in, affected by and interested in location.
6-7pm - registration and networking
7pm - keynote speaker
7:30pm - 30 second stand ups (Who you are and what you need - see requirements below)
8 pm - Pizza and Beer with lashings of networking
Venue: SUN office, Regis House, 45 King William Street, London, EC4R 9AN
Price: £15 + VAT (Includes: beer, wine, pizza and salad)
If you are interested in contributing to this event please email [email protected]
How mixer* works:
This network orientated event will start with a 10 minute keynote and then be opened up to 30 se
cond 'stand ups'. Anyone who comes to the event will be eligible to take advantage of the stand up time, however to get on the list you must have a completed profile on the mashup* site with a picture, profile and web links. Once this is done you can let Emma ([email protected]) know you want to do a stand up.ONLY THOSE WHO PRE-REGISTER WITH EMMA WILL BE ALLOCATED A SLOT.
The 'stand up' slots are for you to describe what you NEED from the mashup* community (e.g a new CTO, funding, advisors, mentors, consultants, partners, etc). You have 30 seconds to speak (no slides, no demos) and the 'crowd' then have a minute to respond to the ask. Note: you can also simply ask a question rather than describing a fully-fledged need as such. The idea is that these little interactions will trigger more useful engagements after the 'stand up' session.
Official Website: http://www.mashupevent.com/location-mixer
Added by Kim Partridge on January 29, 2010