101 Lakeway Dr
Austin, Texas 78734

Lakeway Resort and Spa is honored to present “Marvelous Me" a Women's Wellness Weekend along the gorgeous shores of Lake Travis. This inaugural weekend journey of renewal, relaxation and rejuvenation is designed to help gain a sense of calm while learning how to achieve and live a healthier lifestyle.

Sessions include:
-Hormonal Harmony - Finding Balance in Your Body and Your Life, with Dr. Margaret Christensen, MD
-Brave Grace, Finding Calm Amid Chaos, with Dr. Debra Kern, Phd
-Daring Diva Dance Workout, a combination of Nia, Pilates, strength training and yoga, also with Dr. Kern
-and much more...suitable for women of all ages

The weekend includes two-night accommodations, $75 spa credit at the resort's San Saba Spa, a welcome reception with wine tasting, all-inclusive meals on Saturday and brunch on Sunday, fitness classes and scheduled seminars. For more information on pricing, go here: http://www.lakewayresortandspa.com/marvelous-me.aspx

Added by christine11 on August 6, 2012

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