10275 N De Anza Blvd
Cupertino, California 95014

For decades Marketing focused on the below-35-years age segment. Older adults were considered too scarce and too unwilling to change brand loyalties established decades earlier.

That day is well past. Boomers and Seniors born in 1964 or earlier now call the shots in both the consumer and business market places. They have buying power, organizational power, and open minds about new services and products. Our speaker will explore what succeeds and what fails in selling to the nation-within-a-nation. Retirement as we know it is gone; it was a short phenomenon that lasted less than a century. Life-long participation in the marketplace -- as both producers and purchasers -- is the new norm.

Jacky will cover the following points:

* The squaring up of the population triangle
* How boomers and seniors are flexing their power
* The intersection of traditional business models and web-based models
* How boomers and seniors react to non-traditional business models
* Media that move boomers and seniors; media that fail
* How to profit from the new blended lifestyles

About the Presenter:
Jacky Hood is a management consultant and business instructor. Her clients include OnStor, RAE Systems, Ellie Mae, Hewlett Packard, and many more. She has written 6 books, bicycled across the US and Canada, and appeared in Who's Who of American Women. Her degrees are in electronics and systems engineering. She teaches project management, service/support management, and career development.


Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/HappyAbout/calendar/8925775/

Added by FullCalendar on October 31, 2008