singel 88
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 1015

Mark Bode – Cartoons, tattoos, wizards and lizards from another reality

Vernissage 20 July from 6pm till 9:30pm
‘Da’ Bodé In Amsterdam’ runs from July 20th through August 4th.

Mark Bodé doesn’t really create characters- he knows them. When he describes them, and the worlds they inhabit, he’s talking about an alternate reality which, in the late 60s, leapt from the Bodé imagination into comics and then became entrenched in graffiti and spray can art the world over. Yet there is no arrogance in his descriptions. Mark Bodé is a foreign correspondent stationed in the strangest and most colourful outlying regions of the psyche, faithfully reporting the events and people that he observes, transcribing them for his audience in the bold lines and vivid colours that are a hallmark of his work. In July 2012, Amsterdam experiences these characters first-hand when ArTicks Gallery hosts an exhibition of his art.

The Cheech Wizard

Old characters are old friends to Mark Bodé, and some – like the Cheech Wizard, who dates from 1957 – are practically family. Mark grew up amid the creations of his father, the legendary Vaughn Bodé, and worked on comic strips with him almost from the time he was old enough to hold a pen until Vaughn’s tragically early death in 1975 at the age of only 33. Though chastised for daydreaming at school, at home Mark received nothing but encouragement from Vaughn, who found inspiration in his young son’s fantasies and wove them into his worlds. The Lizard Men evolved from Mark’s childhood drawings, and instead of colouring books, he practiced his shading on the voluptuous Bodé Broads.

Bodé universe expands

The daydreaming kid has grown into a man kept busy bringing those daydreams into reality. His artistic vision finds expression in an increasing variety of fields: illustrating, writing, tattooing, and what he calls his “spraycan art”. Mark’s graffiti has always been about the characters and their landscapes, and he doesn’t think of himself as a ‘writer’ despite (or perhaps because of) being a friend and contemporary of many graffiti writers including such greats as Dondi, Mare 139, Kel, and Seen. It was these artists who were the first to incorporate Bodé characters into their artwork, and the quirky, charismatic wizards, lizards and women became the most-copied figures in the world of graffiti; each copy a tribute, each character increasing the population of the Bodé universe.

Spraycan street art

Rather than the family name literally fading over time (Vaughn’s original works are seldom exhibited, due to their sensitivity to light) it continues to gain strength and renown. Mark has kept his father’s famous characters active, and breathed new life into his unfinished projects. Cobalt 60, the tale of a lone wanderer in a post-apocalyptic landscape seeking to avenge the death of his parents, was based on a concept by Vaughn and took Mark and fellow artist Larry Todd ten years to complete. Exhibitions in America, France and most recently Australia, where he showed at the 2012 Contemporary Art Festival in Sydney, have featured his art, and Mark is in great demand as both a solo and collaborative artist for his spraycan art.

ArTicks Gallery exhibition

On July 20th 2012, he visits Amsterdam for a solo show at ArTicks Gallery, the up-and-coming underground contemporary art gallery making a name for itself on the Singel canal (not only due to the exuberant nature of their exhibition openings). Last year ArTicks exhibited recent works by graffiti giant Steven BLADE Ogburn, a writer so prolific in 70s New York that he was known as the King of Trains. Following the successful and dynamic collaboration work between Mr. Ogburn and renowned local artist Daniel RECAL Oosterman, interest is running high among the Amsterdam contemporary underground and street art scene in possible collaborative work with Mark. The Bodé worlds can look forward to a few more occupants, bringing a touch of Amsterdam style with them.

Official Website:

Added by ArTicks Gallery on May 14, 2012
