O'Brien Avenue
Machias, Maine 04654

This is a celebration of the American Revolution Downeast. Free and open to everyone of all ages. Come to the parade at 10 a.m. and then follow up the hill to UMM. See an encampment of period soldiers and the Passamaquoddy as well as demonstrations of colonial life such as blacksmith, weaving, timber framing, etc. Play colonial games such as the antler toss, hoops, checkers and sack races. Shop present day crafters. Enjoy some of our signature meat pies, venison stew, and pies. Sit down and be entertained by the UMM ukulele band, naval ballads, storytelling, Native American dancing.

It is free, fun and educational. Watch for more details. Quesitons? contact Carlene at [email protected].

Added by carlenemholmes on April 13, 2009