The Sensuous Woman is a new burlesque, comedy and bellydance revue, hosted by and starring comedian Margaret Cho. Featuring an impressive lineup of the country's most renowned burlesque and bellydance performers, as well as hilarious stand-up and sketch comedy from both emerging and established artists, The Sensuous Woman has been playing monthly in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Featured performers include Los Angeles bellydance and burlesque sensation Princess Farhana, Miss Dirty Martini, emerging Trans comic Ian Harvie, the ingenious burlesque performer Selene Luna, comic actor Liam Sullivan as “Kelly,” and sketch comedians Diana Yanez and Kurt Hall, of the Gay Mafia Comedy Troupe of West Hollywood.
“It’s a burlesque and comedy show. It’s kind of like an old-time variety show - almost like a vaudeville show.”
“There are all kinds of bodies on display in my show, so many beautiful women and men, and it is such a healing thing to see someone who may not be the typical 'model' type flaunting their gorgeous butts and legs and breasts and everything.”
“There's a lot of gender swapping and gender play. It's the gayest show you could have with women stripping in it.”
-Margaret Cho
Added by kmeelyon on January 11, 2007
Tix are gone! Thanks!
I have two tickets to this show tonite if someone wants to buy them!