18 Castle Street
Manchester, England M3 4LZ

This is the first in a series of social events we're planning where we'd like to bring together the digital community in a more informal, relaxed setting.

Our first event is a barbeque at the fabulous Dukes 92 in Castlefield. We've got exclusive use of the Gallery Bar and Terrace for the evening.

Come and meet the Manchester Digital Council, exchange ideas on how Manchester Digital can support you in the future, see the new MD brand image and enjoy some great food and drink. You can even do some networking if you wish!

Whether you're a member or not, everyone is welcome.

Tickets are just £10+VAT which includes barbeque food – booking in advance only via the online booking form at http://mdbarbeque.eventbrite.com.

Early booking would be appreciated so that we can confirm numbers to the venue in advance.

Sponsor by Star Internet

Star is the largest independent business to business Internet Services Provider in the UK, serving over 500,000 business users. Star has over 12 years experience in providing practical Internet-driven services for UK small to medium sized businesses (SMBs).

By listening, understanding and responding to the needs of SMBs they develop solutions to tackle IT issues. Security, hosting, connectivity and email have been brought together to provide the broadest range of integrated business ready technology services. Star focuses on developing and delivering products that fulfil the needs of small and medium sized businesses whilst providing outstanding and dedicated customer support through regional offices in Manchester, Gloucester and London.

Star has also been operating a proven Partner Programme for 10 years, giving organisations of varying sizes and backgrounds the opportunity to refer or resell its range of Internet services.

Official Website: http://www.manchesterdigital.com/page.asp?id=3107

Added by Manchester Digital on July 2, 2008



Holding it at the exact same time as the Manchester GeekUp probably isn't the best way of attracting web/techie people.