Bandung, West Java

Learn to manage your priorities and make decisions more effectively in this unique time management training seminar!

This highly interactive time management training seminar offers attendees and their team an array of practical tools to help get things done in today's chaotic economic climate and constantly changing work environment. They’ll learn practical time management techniques for making structured decisions—even under pressure—to earn buy-in from bosses, coworkers and customers.
How You Will Benefit

* Become more proficient at time management by prioritizing work and maintaining focus
* Become a stronger communicator with techniques that enable you to question and clarify priorities
* Make better decisions by gleaning the right information and appraising the situation more effectively
* Gain the cooperation of others by communicating the risks and gains of decisions
* Learn time management and stress survival techniques to help you balance the tough choices you face every day

What You Will Cover

* Identifying and analyzing the sources of workplace chaos and their impact
* Examining new time management strategies and techniques to help maintain priorities
* Comparing proactive vs. reactive work approach: time management vs. priority management
* Priority management tools: Risk/Value, PAR chart
* Verbal and nonverbal communication tools for tough situations
* Employing assertive responses no matter how manipulated or provoked you feel
* Determining the risks of making decisions under pressure
* Identifying good decision making considerations
* Practicing fast focus analysis. Making your decision. Weighing it against your “quick pick”

Who Should Attend

Anyone who needs time management training to deal with multiple projects and/or faces expanding workloads, tight time lines and increased uncertainty.

Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Analyze the Sources and Impact of Workplace Chaos
* Apply Tools Designed to Help Determine Priorities
* Examine New Time Management Strategies and Techniques
* Apply Tools to Help Make Good Decisions Under Pressure
* Select Tools and Techniques to Apply Back on the Job

A Look at Workplace Chaos

* Identify the Sources of Workplace Chaos
* Estimate the Impact of Chaos on Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
* Begin to Develop an Action Plan to Help You Attain Your Top Business Goals By Using Tools to Manage Workplace Chaos

Determining Priorities—The Starting Point

* Identify Why Determining Priorities Is Critical
* Compare a Proactive vs. Reactive Work Approach
* Analyze How You Spend Your Time
* Negotiate to Help Manage Your Time and Requests

Maintaining Focus on Priorities

* Compare Older and Newer Time Management Strategies
* Review a Selective Daily Action Plan
* Describe Three Cures for Illusions About Competing Priorities
* Appy Tools That:
o Educate Requesters on "Blind Risks" in Their Requests
o Help Requesters Arrive at Your Door Better Prepared
o Match Assigned Deadlines with Actual Estimates
o Track Interruptions

Assertive Communication

* Define Assertive Communication Required to Manage Workplace Challenge and Pressure
* Employ Assertive Responses No Matter How Manipulated or Provoked You Feel
* Decline a Request Successfully, Whether from Your Manager, Your Peers or Your Customers
* Identify Helpful Language

Decision Making Under Pressure

* Determine the Risks of Making Decisions Under Pressure
* Identify Good Decision Making Considerations
* Practice a Fast Focus Analysis Make Your Decision.Weigh It Against Your "Quick Pick"
* Examine the Decision Guide Format Through a Demonstration Case
* Complete the Decision Guide Using Your Own Case

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 19, 2009

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