189 The Grove Dr
Los Angeles, California 90036

Staying competitive requires the ability to manage change at a much faster pace than ever before. Change has always been a constant, but as previous recessions have revealed, the most impacting and lasting structural changes tend to result immediately after economic downturns. Being prepared for the next series of changes yet to come is imperative. The ability to recognize and effectively manage change is not only a strategic advantage but is essential for thriving in the new economy. This workshop will go far beyond the superficialities of discussing why it is important “to embrace change” and instead focus on the practical approaches for doing just that. Come prepared to have fun and learn to succeed!

In our fun and interactive Managing Change workshop, participants will learn:

* To identify the impact change has on our lives
* To assess attitudes toward change
* To map a change experience
* To identify transitions during the change process
* Why we tend to resist change and what we can do about it
* To develop resilience to change and roll with the punches!

Testimonial: "I am undergoing tremendous change, and 3.5 hours later I feel empowered and greatly relieved. It feels great to simply focus on all of the opportunity and positive choices available to me!" --Monica Walker, Carington Insurance Agency

HR Professionals: This Managing Change workshop has been pre-approved for 3.25 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.

Added by Tools 2 Succeed on April 25, 2010

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