Wilmington | DE | USA
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Overview : This is a short power course to improve meeting effectiveness and outcomes. We've all experienced the painstaking and aggravating experience of sitting through unnecessary and poorly run meetings, amid a growing pile of work in our "in-box". The last thing a leader wants to do or should do is to waste people's time with poorly run meetings!

This 60 minutes webinar will help you identify your strengths in meeting management, areas where you can improve and suggestions on how to improve. Do this for the benefit of your meeting participants, and you will see improved outcomes as a result of running effective meetings.

Areas Covered in the Session:
Find out the 12 essentials to running an effective meeting
Identify personal strengths and gaps in meeting facilitation effectiveness
Identify actions to help address these gaps and make personal improvement
Leave the webinar with a checklist to help them for the future
Meeting pre-planning, including how to create the best agenda
Meeting logistics
How to engage your group and participants
Scheduling and sticking to it
The follow up
Assessment for continuous improvement And many more!

Who Will Benefit:
Project Managers
Team Leaders
Emerging Leaders
Entrepreneurs / Business Owners
Anyone who belongs to a non profit community group who is required to run a meeting

Sara LaForest is a consultant, coach, trainer, writer and speaker. Prior to co-founding Kubica LaForest Consulting, she ran her own independent consulting company in Alaska. She was also an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Alaska, Statewide Corporate Programs and served as a Master Trainer for a large, educationally focused, national non-profit organization. Previous to her consultancy businesses, she worked for non-profit organizations, government agencies, American Indian/Alaska Native organizations, and post-secondary education in management and workforce development roles for over two decades. She started her career in counseling and behavioral health. Having completed her master's and bachelor's degrees in psychology, Sara has continued with graduate studies and professional development in adult education, organizational leadership and entrepreneurial growth.

Official Website: http://bit.ly/PWAPKK

Added by Russel Stuart on September 13, 2012

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