Bogor, West Java

Integrating Web 2.0 is now a business imperative—for collaboration, innovation and attracting top-notch talent.

There’s a lot of buzz today about how organizations are using new technologies—often referred to as Web 2.0 or social media—for marketing and collaboration. Deploying these tools has become a top priority for remaining competitive and creating a workplace that can recruit and retain tech-savvy talent. While traditional organizations may not understand how this fits in with their businesses, it has allowed other companies to become more efficient competitors. To work smarter in this new, highly competitive environment and tough economic climate, it’s essential that you get a handle on these technologies.
In this two-day seminar, you’ll get a framework for understanding what you need to know to manage Web 2.0 within areas of accountability. By the end of the seminar, you will be able to assess which tools are appropriate for your business given its size, culture and type of business. You will work through the critical success factors necessary to implement a successful Web 2.0 strategy, create a roadmap for moving forward and make decisions based on knowledge, rather than discomfort or fear of the unknown.

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 16, 2009

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