Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Overview : Learn how to give (maybe even enjoy) confident, clear, informative, and interesting presentations. Don't let fear of speaking in public worry you or even risk it holding hold back your career. Anyone can learn to give confident presentations and may even one day find speaking in public to be enjoyable.

Why should you attend: The word glossophobia means fear of speaking and it's one of the most common phobias. Public speaking ranks almost at high as fear of death for some. Considering the intense pressure and self-scrutiny many induce on themselves it's no wonder a presentation can become so anxiety producing. There's no reason that anxiety over a simple presentation has to become so intolerable though. Although it may feel as if wolves may be waiting to tear you apart, that's far from the reality. Embarrassment and fear of failure when speaking in front of others is one of the greatest fears most people encounter in their careers. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are easy and simple tips that can immediately up your presentation power.

Areas Covered in the Session:
Fake it until you make it - tips that spell confidence (and what doesn't).
How to get your message across even if it's an unpopular one.
Fail to prepare, then prepare to fail - 12 tips for preparing to speak.
Sure fire presentations tips - which you haven't heard before.
Body language is up to 80% of communication - what to do with yours.
Managing your "speaking in public" nerves.
Differences between online (webinars and conference calls) vs. in person training and presentations.
Change your mindset = change your skills.
Easy, easy things to do that will improve your speaking skills instantly.

Who Will Benefit:
HR Generalists
HR Managers
Plant Managers
Business Owners

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on April 3, 2013

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