Do you want to do something to change the course of economic globalization? If you do, then join the Globalization Task Force for one of our “Making a Better World Breakfasts”. At these gatherings, we will be briefed about an issue related to globalization, write letters on the topic to our political representatives, enjoy good conversation, and of course, eat breakfast.
The first “Making a Better World Breakfast” will take place from 7:30am until 8:30am on Thursday September 7th at the Broken Egg, 221 North Main St. At the September breakfast we will learn more about and write about Bread for the World’s 2006 Offering of Letters. The 2006 Offering of Letters seeks significant increases in poverty-focused development assistance to meet the Millenium Development Goals, which aim to cut extreme hunger and poverty by half and substantially improve health, education, and livelihoods in developing countries by 2015.
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Added by ICPJ on August 29, 2006