13378 Poway Rd
Poway, California 92064

Martial Arts is a fun activity for the WHOLE family! Learning TOGETHER builds strong BONDS between parents and kids. When you join the Poway Samurai Martial Arts Family Program you and your kids will gain confidence and focus and enjoy the time spent together! Plus, the MORE family members you enroll, the MORE you $AVE! Call #858-486-0059 now! We are the ONLY school in San Diego teaching the Samurai and Ninja arts! Call for a free introductory lesson today. Space is limited to provide personal attention. Poway Samurai Martial Arts the Difference is in the TRADITION!

Official Website: http://www.americantowns.com//events/parents-help-your-kids-get-better-grades-1-2009-12-17

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 1, 2010